Monday, October 13, 2008

Academy of Art San Francisco founded 1929

The Academy of Art San Francisco was kind enough to have me on as part of their Board of Directors for Film Festival. Just made public in Movie Maker Magazine is press on Jonathan Fung. I work directly with Jonathan, pictured right, and he brings the touch that draws out the talent.

2009 will be my third year and I would like to add that aside from the politics, *not blind to legitimate negative press that the school receives for purchasing too much real estate in this beautiful city and the effects...staying focused on the student body is what matters to me.

I work with Jonathan and he and I have to realize that not all decisions can be influenced and share the same opinions on some of the ongoings, but all what it is. He cares about the students tremendously, to select a ridiculous yet fitting term. He knows what it is they are creating, and how far they can go expressing themselves through film. To draw out talent that individuals did not know existed within themselves previously is a process that is so exciting. Growth is the result of nurturing. The vision that makes this world change-- yes-- that is the stuff. I am there to support, encourage, inspire, and sincerely enjoy viewing the films being produced by incredibly talented people.

These graduates go straight to work for the very best and also become the best in their field if taking a look at Chris Milk's career. They appreciate the education as well as the lifelong connections made. Working alongside of those they attended with is a comfort when on the outside, and personal selections and calls made to collaborate can be so complimentary when you realize someone was paying attention to your work and they contact you down the road. I love it. The successful come back to the academy and address those aspiring, completely guiding and sharing their experiences, all in order to help others do the same.

Meet Jonathan- he's a good man:


Accidental Friend

Talk about a surprise for me at the AOA annual film festival at the historic Castro Theatre--I made a new friend there attending.

He can talk family and art anytime, day or night---overflowing with energy and exhilaration for life. I am referring to none other than Martin Landau.

We enjoyed a lovely dinner and he is the most gentle and intelligent man I have met, defining the word gentleman itself. Peter O'Toole defines gentleman for the young emperor in "The Last Emperor" as, "a man that says what he means, and means what he says." That's all that kept running through my mind so I shared. I hadn't seen the movie in years, nor met someone I thought fit the description. When the time came, the reference was there.

Aside from the craft, Martin stood out to me as a human being only, really. That evening, I selected to not go solo as I always do and bring my friend that owns a coffee shop, is involved in several communities outside of his own as a volunteer, ensuring that community based organizations thrive, and works with children. I love coffee and reading so you can imagine that I know him wellllll. I seek to find those that change the world from a lesser known stance. I meet, due to my work, 'known' people often in music, film, literature, art and so forth. What really can you do with credentials, education, titles, diplomas from Harvard---degrees from who cares---as nothing holds importance more than what you say, and the things you do not speak which can be observed. Being in tune with yourself first, then people, and really knowing who you are is what I seek before I make one sound. Martin is so aware of his surroundings that that is all I could see or sense in him.

The wonderful career pales when engaged in conversation and life. The intelligence and wit are first class. His artwork that we went over for about an hour, deco and indelible in my mind, also floored me. Pen and ink. So much fun this man. Lots of laughing - completely on.

Vague compliments do him no justice. I wish I could tell you more about the friendship, and everything since that dinner...but life is a private thing unless you're present...the recipient of the gorgeous moments, the instances and words.

A toast to us all meeting people that are like-minded. To Jonathan and Martin, thank you for being the way you intend and desire. Its effect is good on others and generous. How beautiful.

: : Angie Seegers : : San Francisco : :

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